Thursday, November 14, 2024

Sheroni Girls - Progress Update 48

Hey everyone,

it's time for another progress update!

This time I was working on several things at once.
I expanded the prostitution job a bit and added a new female client to the job. You can now also sell your virginity for a high amount of money at the prostitution job, getting a high enough corruption to start the job without losing your virginity is pretty hard, but if you manage to do it you can now earn some nice money.

I also added a new H-scene for April and Kira at their relationship paths in Ewolis city, to start the scenes you need to buy the toys from the adult club and then visit them at their apartments.

Other than that I did some more bugfixes as well as some other minor changes.

As some of you might have known the goal was to finish the game this year but because of all the irl stuff that happened to me this year I lost around 3-4 months so it's not realistic that I will get everything done anymore this year. But I would still say that I'm pretty close to the finish line now.

Here is what's still planned for the game:
-2 new big main quests (I should at least get one done this or next month)
-2 new sidequests
-A few new H-scenes
-One new final quest involving the tournament of power
-All of the endings
-Expansions for certain paths (this will only be done after the game is complete)

So as you can see it's not that much more that is left to do.
And in fact, I'm now confident enough that I would say that both Sheroni Girls and X-Change sleepover will get finished within the first 5 months of 2025.

That's all for this week's progress update, see you all next time!

Friday, October 25, 2024

X-Change Sleepover v0.3 - Release Schedule

Hey everyone,

X-Change Sleepover version 0.3 is now out for my beta testers and above!
The public release will be on the 22nd of November.

Changelog (since the last public release):

New Content:
-You can now choose between three different difficulties at the start of the truth or dare game
-Each difficulty will give you a different amount of rerolls that can be used to reroll a question or dare if you don't like it
-Added 7 new events that can happen when you are getting too horny (4 at the female path, 3 at the male path)
-Added 3-5 events for each girl if they are getting too horny (22 events in total)
-Added over 14 new talk events (split between female and male path)
-Added Skyler's special dare into the game (it has 3 different outcomes)
-Added 2 new events at Skyler's dare path (female only)
-Added the first special event into the game (4 outcomes at the female path, 3 at the male path)
-Added two bad ends into the game when you are getting too drunk (1 for each path)
-Added one new bad end into the game at skyler's special dare (female path)
-Added a new menu that keeps track of all the endings you unlocked

Updated Content:
-Some text now takes into account if you are the one who gave the dare and changes accordingly
-Some text now takes into account if you have done a dare before and changes accordingly
-If characters reach the maximum drunk score they won't be able to continue playing the game and break time events with them will be locked
-Added some new stats to your profile
-Several smaller bugfixes and improvements

Thursday, October 17, 2024

X-Change Sleepover - Progress Update 10

Hey everyone,

it's time for another progress update!

I just finished Skyler's special dare. I added three different ways it can conclude, as well as one new bad ending. Depending on how you solve the dare it will have different consequences for future events and endings.

I also added the groundwork for the special dares, so I will only have to add them in now. Aside from that I did a lot of smaller changes and bugfixes.

I will try to add 1 or 2 new special events until the end of next week and then release the new beta release already. The reason for that is that I'm kind of running out of ideas.

The only things left to do now are:
-New special events
-The path where you spike Steve's drink with an x-change (at the male path)
-And adding in the conclusion of the game + all the endings

The last two points need more time to do, so they will have to wait for now. And for the special events I need to gather new ideas. So the best thing I can do right now is to release the new beta release and then go back to work on Sheroni Girls until I have enough new ideas to work on the special events again.

So if you have any ideas for new events, paths or even endings you would like to see in the game, please don't hesitate to suggest them here or on my discord.

That's all for this week's progress update, see you all next time!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

X-Change Sleepover - Progress Update 9

Hey everyone,

it's time for another progress update!

This time it's a bit shorter though since I have been pretty busy irl recently, so progress has been a bit slower. I'm currently working on the new Skyler dare that she can give you involving Emma's dad along with one or two new bad endings (depending on how I end up doing them).

I assume that I will get these done sometime next week, so a new alpha update will come out around that time as well.

After that is done I will add some new special events as well as some other smaller things here and there.

That's all for this week's progress update, see you all next time~

Monday, September 30, 2024

Sheron Girls v0.14b - Bugfixes

Hey everyone,

I just released version 0.14b of Sheroni Girls that fixes the following bugs:

Updated Content:
-Fixed a bug that happened when you take a bath at the weekend in the first town
-Fixed a bug at the shower in your Ewolis city apartment where the daytime change didn't work correctly
-Fixed a bug at the prostitution job where it got stuck after the first time

Have fun~

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sheroni Girls v0.14a - Public Release

Hey everyone,

I'm sorry for the delay but I got sick yesterday and completely forgot about the new Sheroni Girls release but now it's finally out for public and can be downloaded from the usual place at my blog!

New Content:
-Added a new side quest to the police station (only the first two parts of the quest can be finished so far)
-Added the Adult club interior (2 new maps)
-Added the waitress job to the adult club (over 16 new events)
-Added 5 new H-scenes to the waitress job (one of it animated)
-Added the prostitution job to the adult club (random clients + a simple convincing/haggle mechanic)
-Added 5 new animated H-scenes to the prostitution job
-Added a new janitor quest (April's recruitment, around 8 events in total)
-Added 4 new H-scenes for April at the Janitor's place (one of it animated)
-Added 4 new H-scenes at the Janitor's place (one for each girl)
-Added 3 random events where your Master visits either you or Kira and April at Ewolis city (+ 2 additional H-scenes)
-Added the new H-scenes to the gallery

Updated Content:
-You can now leave Ewolis city without your teleporter
-You can now take a shower at your Ewolis city apartment
-You can now craft items at your Ewolis city apartment (at the kitchen)
-You can now take a bath on weekend mornings (at the first town)
-Fixed a crash/freeze that some people got when starting a battle
-Fixed several other bugs and minor changee

Thursday, September 26, 2024

X-Change Sleepover - Progress Update 8

Hey everyone,

the newest version of X-Change Sleepover is now out for my beta testers and above.

Like I said last week, I will spend the next month working on this game as well so the public release will only come out around november.

This week I have been adding all of the new talk events for the next break which are more than 14 new events. Next up on my todo list are some of the exclusive paths as well as some special events that can happen in the truth or dare game itself.

Changelog since the last public release:

New Content:
-You can now choose between three different difficulties at the start of the truth or dare game
-Each difficulty will give you a different amount of rerolls that can be used to reroll a question or dare if you don't like it
-Added 7 new events that can happen when you are getting too horny (4 at the female path, 3 at the male path)
-Added 3-5 events for each girl if they are getting too horny (22 events in total)
-Added over 14 new talk events (split between female and male path)
-Added 2 new events at Skyler's dare path (female only)
-Added two bad ends into the game when you are getting too drunk (1 for each path)
-Added a new menu that keeps track of all the endings you unlocked

Updated Content:
-Some text now takes into account if you are the one who gave the dare and changes accordingly
-Some text now takes into account if you have done a dare before and changes accordingly
-If characters reach the maximum drunk score they won't be able to continue playing the game and break time events with them will be locked
-Added some new stats to your profile
-Several smaller bugfixes and improvements

That's all for this week's progress update, see you all next time!