Thursday, October 17, 2024

X-Change Sleepover - Progress Update 10

Hey everyone,

it's time for another progress update!

I just finished Skyler's special dare. I added three different ways it can conclude, as well as one new bad ending. Depending on how you solve the dare it will have different consequences for future events and endings.

I also added the groundwork for the special dares, so I will only have to add them in now. Aside from that I did a lot of smaller changes and bugfixes.

I will try to add 1 or 2 new special events until the end of next week and then release the new beta release already. The reason for that is that I'm kind of running out of ideas.

The only things left to do now are:
-New special events
-The path where you spike Steve's drink with an x-change (at the male path)
-And adding in the conclusion of the game + all the endings

The last two points need more time to do, so they will have to wait for now. And for the special events I need to gather new ideas. So the best thing I can do right now is to release the new beta release and then go back to work on Sheroni Girls until I have enough new ideas to work on the special events again.

So if you have any ideas for new events, paths or even endings you would like to see in the game, please don't hesitate to suggest them here or on my discord.

That's all for this week's progress update, see you all next time!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

X-Change Sleepover - Progress Update 9

Hey everyone,

it's time for another progress update!

This time it's a bit shorter though since I have been pretty busy irl recently, so progress has been a bit slower. I'm currently working on the new Skyler dare that she can give you involving Emma's dad along with one or two new bad endings (depending on how I end up doing them).

I assume that I will get these done sometime next week, so a new alpha update will come out around that time as well.

After that is done I will add some new special events as well as some other smaller things here and there.

That's all for this week's progress update, see you all next time~