Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Delayed Updates

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to give you all a quick update on how things are going and why I have been so silent for the last 2-3 weeks.

I unfortunately have been getting sick again. I really don't know what's up, I usually get sick like once a year but now I have already been sick like 4 times within the last 3 months. This time I feel pretty awful though, so I need some time to get healthy again.
As you might know it's not really easy to get anything done when you are sick so progress has been really slow.

I will try to make up for it once I'm feeling better again but there's no way that I will get a proper beta release for Suddenly a Girl out this month so it will have to get delayed by a bit until I get enough content done for it.

Apologizes for that but that's kind of out of my hands. See you all once I feel better~


  1. I hope you starting to feel better and that sucks suddenly a girl is a great game you did an amazing job making it best wishes

  2. Are you feeling any better? One thing I know that helps with ME being sick is take some strong cold/flu Medication and then take a nice warm steamy shower, I really love 'suddenly a girl' one of the single best TG based games I've ever played, and I've played A LOT! keep up the good work 🙂

    1. Yes, I'm starting to feel better now. Work will resume shortly.

  3. I'm glad your feeling doing better I know how you were feeling I was sick also late February early March I was out of commission for about a week and half and my coughing didn't go away for another 2 weeks

    Some of the stuff I do is to keep my immune system update with a lot of vitamin c and take some DayQuil or NyQuil
