Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Suddenly a Girl - Progress Update 38

Hey everyone, 
(I just realized that I forgot to post progress update 37 on my blog, it's still on my Patreon and Subscribestar if you want to read it!)

it's time for another progress update!

This time I finished the pornstar career, it now has a total of 7 events that are repeatable once you have done them all.

Other than that I did some minor changes and already prepared some stuff for the new events at Hiro's home.

Next week I will finish all the events for Hiro(mi)'s home and add some more trait related events into the game. So I expect the next beta release to come out at the end of next week.

After that is done, all that is left to be done are the remaining mainstory events and the endings, but these will have to wait until the next major release because there are actually a lot of different endings + variants I have planned. They might vary a lot depending on your choices and relationships.

Of course if you have any suggestion you still want to see in the game before the final release of the game gets done, please let me know. You can always send me suggestions either on here or on my discord.

That's all for this week, see you next time~


  1. I'm wondering if these two ideas I thought of would sound good for you to implement, the first was what if you added a different start to the game were you choose to be a girl at the start. The second idea was a thought I had while playing. Since I had the MC completely loyal to jeff, why wouldn't he catch you masturbating in your room and have you service him? It seems like something he would do. You don't have to implement these ideas, I just wanted to share them with you

    1. Hey, thanks for the ideas. A different start is not something I will do though because that you used to be a guys is the whole plot of the game. Can't just change that. The idea with Jeff could be done though, but no promises.

  2. when we get the Updated version

  3. (Riverbottom) I just a play through when you choose to be Hiro's gf. Based on what you wrote above, I am guessing that part was not completed. It seems you are a guess in his home. They should be sleeping in the same bed with sex being a possibility. You should also cook and clean as well.
    On a side note, submissive sex isn't about "roughness." Hiro has been aggressive in the relationship (pushing for sex) so, it does seem that being submissive to him would be something he would be open to. (Really two types of submissiveness, letting people have their way that you like, and being "forced."
    An idea- they should be a meter that as you grow closer to Hiro as a woman, then you should become less interest in converting back (more about "saving mom.") it may be too late to implement, but maybe something called an "acceptance" meter where you come to accept your new gender through your choices. (Involvement in serious relationship and other events, etc...
    This remains me, if you are Jack's 'slut" shouldn't you live with him. You are m"marked" so you are his. It is odd that you have to go to the gym to have a relationship with him.

  4. After some thought before the final release rather it 1 more update or 2 here is what I would like in the game if you can

    1 more stuff with Jack as his slut we're he wants you to help him get with Jenny and your mom

    2 I agree with an above comment about the protagonist wanting to stay as a girl through some choices

    3 and finally maybe getting a job in club as a stripper since when you dance you gain skill points to dancing or update the cam girl stuff

    Thanks for all the amazing work you done for this game
