Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sheroni Girls - Progress Update 45

Hey everyone,

it's time for a new progress update!

This week I was working on adding the second new job to the adult club. It's fairly simple so far, you stand outside of the club and wait for clients to arrive. The clients are randomly generated and can choose between oral, vaginal and anal sex acts. After telling them your price they can either accept or refuse.
They will sometimes also tell you that they won't pay that much money and offer you less money instead, in that case you get the chance to convince them to still pay more depending on either your corruption, your oral skill or your current lust value. After that you receive the money and the sex scene starts.

I added 5 new animated sex scenes to the job so far and I'm happy with how it turned out. I might expand the job later on if there is more interest for it but right now I consider it pretty much complete.

Starting next week I will start working on new Janitor content.

That's all for this week's progress update, see you all next time!

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