Thursday, August 12, 2021

Suddenly a Girl - Progress Update 21

Hey everyone,

I'm back to work on Suddenly a Girl and it's time for another progress update.

The last week it felt like all I did was fixing bugs and a bunch of minor changes you most likely won't even notice. But I think the annoying $money and $appear bug should be gone for good now, at least I hope so.

But that's of course not all I did, this week I also added the new beach area with two activities to do there (more coming soon) and two new milestones to earn additional trait points.

But the biggest change is probably the pregnancy system I added into the game. Once you confirm that you are pregnant (pregnancy test) you will get a new option to set the duration on your phone.
As some time passes (around 50% of the duration) your belly will increase and you will see the visual changes on your avatar. Most of the clothes won't fit you anymore now but you will get three different kinds of "maternity clothes" you can wear.
This works all the way until birth where your body will get back to normal. You can also talk with your mom about your pregnancy and she will react different depending on who got you pregnant. What else does it change? Well, I will leave that up to you to find out.

It's was a pretty complex change because it effects several things and locations in the game and will most likely be expanded even further soon, so if you find any bugs let me know. 

There is still a lot of content in the game that feels lacking or empty so I'm trying to expand it this month, here is what's planned:
-More pregnancy related events and reactions
-Jeff using the machine on you again on his slut path
-New events with Hiromi
-Finally giving some functionality to the laptop and webcam you can buy at the mall
-Adding more things to do at the beach
-Expanding the waitress job
-Whatever else I come up with (model and secretary job?)

See you~


  1. Replies
    1. The new version is always coming at the end of the month for 5$ supporters and one month later for public.

  2. I'm pretty sure it's just me, but I can't find how you contact people like Jenny or Hiro, I don't see a phone in my inventory

    1. Click the arrow on the upper right sidebar.
